RV Roof.com

3236 Highway 17, Green Cove Springs, FL, US, | Directions
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Changing the RV world


FlexArmor is a revolutionary sprayed RV roof alternative for RV owners. The main principle behind FlexArmor is if you remove the caulking joints found on an RV roof, you remove the potential for leaks. FlexArmor is a completely seamless RV roof and is also a tougher material than other RV roofs. This means incidents with trees at your favorite campground won’t lead to a costly repair.


Quick Drying, Patented Spray


FlexArmor RV Roof is the only sprayed, pure polyurea in the RV industry. It is an A and B chemical that is applied by authorized applicators at various locations. Since it is an A and B chemical, it has an extremely fast gel time and is dry to the touch in 6 seconds. This allows FlexArmor roofs to be 187 mils thick and is 3 times thicker than any other options in the industry. The typical RV roof materials such as EPDM rubber, TPO and fiberglass are 30-60 mils thick.


All Work on Your RV Roof is Done Indoors


FlexArmor roofs are completed indoors in well established locations. Performing the work indoors allows the applicators to completely strip old existing caulk from the roof and remove components such as air conditioners without worrying about changing weather. When a FlexArmor roof is applied, your roof is taken down to the bare basics, the substrate cleaned and prepared for your new roof.


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